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EPICS Projects @ North Penn High School

Since 2009, there have been many exciting endeavors that have taken place within the EPICS club at North Penn high School. Below are just a few examples of the activities:

2016-2017: Communication Switches for Students with Severe Disabilities

NP Special Education Department | Communication Switch Research and Development

Students in the EPICS Club are working with the Special Education department at North Penn High School to design and develop communication switches for students in their department.

Problem Statement 1:

Speech buttons are too expensive and don't have the proper buttons available to ask all necessary questions.

Problem Statement 2:

Many students with disabilities at North Penn High School have difficulty communicating verbally.

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2016-2017: Advanced Clock Development team

North Penn High School Community | Advanced Clock Development

North Penn High school opened in 1971. Many of the clocks and their corresponding control system often experience technical issues, such as, displaying the incorrect time or not working at all. They are original to the building and are over 40 years old.

Problem Statement 1:

Many clocks within North Penn High School are difficult to read and inconsistently display times. Furthermore, there are three different time schedules depending upon the day. The clocks can be innovated to show broader, more relevant information.

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2016-2017: Vacuum Sealed Pipes

Global Community | Vacuum Sealed Pipe Development

According to the Institute for Business and Home Safety, claim payments by all insurance companies in the past decade for [water pipes freezing and breaking] have exceeded $4 billion SOURCE

Problem Statement 1:

Millions of dollars are spent in Pennsylvania alone repairing ruptured and cracked pipes due to freezing. Pipes are susceptible to freezing and there are currently a very limited methods available to prevent this high cost problem.

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2016-2017: North Penn High School App Development

North Penn High School Community | High School Application Development

North Penn High School is a large community with over 3500 individuals. There are a multitude of schedules and important safety information that is housed in several different locations. With the integration of several digital platforms to share information between teachers and students, efficient communication between the students and their teachers has become difficult to manage.

Problem Statement 1:

Existing applications are buggy, hard to use, and have limited features.

Problem Statement 2:

Students have trouble communicating information between them and their teachers.

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2015-2016: Superhydrophobic Nanofiber Research

NASA - Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium Research

Students in the EPICS club (Engineering Projects in Community Service) at North Penn High School are currently working with students and professors from Montgomery County Community College as part of the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (PSGC).

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